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Project Options

The following options control the branding, navigation and default export settings of the KeystoneJS application in the Admin UI:


The name of the KeystoneJS application


Displayed in the top left hand corner of the Admin UI

module root

This setting tells Keystone the root path of your app. By default, module root points to the path of the first script that required Keystone within your app. This default may be undesirable at times.

Setting module root allows you to specify a custom root path for your app. Overriding the default module root may be useful, for example, when unit testing your app.

module root is used by Keystone's .getPath() method to resolve/expand the paths of the views, favicon, extensions, ssl cert, ssl key, ssl ca, emails, and updates settings.

When setting a custom module root you may use either an absolute or a relative path.

NOTE: If a relative path is used, it will be considered relative to the location of the script from which the setting was made.

frame guard

This settings tells Keystone how to handle iframe tags. It does this by setting the response X-Frame-Options header. This header is used to protect against "ClickJacking" attacks.

The default setting is sameorigin.

Valid options are:

  • "sameorigin" allows requests from iframe tags that originate from the same server
  • "deny" denies requests form all iframe tags, regardless of origin
  • true (same as "deny" )
  • false disables frame guard


An object that specifies the navigation structure for the Admin UI. Create a key for each section that should be visible in the primary navigation. Each key's value can be a single list path (as is seen in the URL when you view a list) or an array of list paths. When an array is used, secondary navigation is rendered in the Admin UI.

The nav is also used to generate the links on the Admin UI home page; any lists that are registered but not included in the nav will be grouped at the bottom of the screen under the 'Other' heading.

Custom Navigation Example

If you had User, Post and PostCategory models, you could group the posts and post categories into a Content navigation item like this:

keystone.set('nav', {
  'users': 'users',
  'content': ['posts', 'post-categories']

csv field delimiter

Allow you to choose a custom field delimiter to be used for CSV export instead of the default comma.


Instance of Express to be used instead of the default instance.


Instance of Mongoose to be used instead of the default instance.

NOTE The app and mongoose options replace the functionality of the keystone.connect() method which is now deprecated. Due to changes in Express 4, keystone.connect() no longer works as expected.