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A decimal field represents a decimal value.


  • defaultValue (default: undefined): Can be a decimal value written as a string This value will be used for the field when creating items if no explicit value is set.
  • precision (default: 18): Maximum number of digits that are present in the number.
  • scale (default: 4): Maximum number of decimal places.
  • Adds a Prisma @map attribute to this field which changes the column name in the database
  • db.isNullable (default: validation.isRequired ? false : true): If false then this field will be made non-nullable in the database and it will never be possible to set as null.
  • validation.isRequired (default: false): If true then this field can never be set to null. It validate this when creating and updating an item through the GraphQL API or the Admin UI. It will also default db.isNullable to false.
  • validation.min (default: undefined): This describes the minimum number allowed. If you attempt to submit a number under this, you will get a validation error.
  • validation.max (default: undefined): This describes the maximum number allowed. If you attempt to submit a number over this, you will get a validation error.
    • If you want to specify a range within which the numbers must fall, specify both a minimum and a maximum value.
  • isIndexed (default: false)
    • If true then this field will be indexed by the database.
    • If 'unique' then all values of this field must be unique.
  • (default: false): If you have no read access control and you don't intend to add any in the future, you can set this to true and the output field will be non-nullable. This is only allowed when you have no read access control because otherwise, when access is denied, null will be returned which will cause an error since the field is non-nullable and the error will propagate up until a nullable field is found which means the entire item will be unreadable and when doing an items query, all the items will be unreadable.
  • graphql.create.isNonNull (default: false): If you have no create access control and you want to explicitly show that this is field is non-nullable in the create input you can set this to true and the create field will be non-nullable and have a default value at the GraphQL level. This is only allowed when you have no create access control because otherwise, the item will always fail access control if a user doesn't have access to create the particular field regardless of whether or not they specify the field in the create.
import { config, list } from '@keystone-6/core';
import { decimal } from '@keystone-6/core/fields';
export default config({
lists: {
SomeListName: list({
fields: {
someFieldName: decimal({
defaultValue: '3.142',
precision: 12,
scale: 3,
db: { map: 'my_decimal' },
validation: {
isRequired: true,
max: '10000',
min: '2',
isIndexed: 'unique',
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */

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