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Database Migration

Before running keystone start with a production database, you will first need to ensure the database has all the tables and fields that keystone requires. To make this easier keystone can generate the required migration files to store alongside your code, and then run these migrations against your production database.

Prisma Migrate

Keystone uses Prisma's built-in migration feature, this works by generating .sql files into a ./migrations at the root of your project (ie beside your keystone.ts file) and then running those migration files against your production database. For detailed information on how Prisma Migrate works see the Prisma Migrate docs.

Running keystone dev

By default running keystone dev will force push your schema to the database set using db.url in your keystone.ts file.

Skipping dev DB push

If you want to look after all migrations, including in dev, yourself you can run keystone dev --no-db-push this will not perform the default force push in dev leaving you to perform migrations as you like.

Running keystone dev --no-db-push will return GraphQL runtime errors if tables and/or columns that Keystone requires are not present in the database.

Keystone Prisma Migrate CLI

Keystone offers the following three commonly used commands through Prisma to help manage your migrations.

  • keystone prisma migrate dev - Generates the migration files to run to set up your production database - these files should be committed to source control and accessible by the deploy step. This command is helpful if you want to either leave keystone dev as the default behaviour for rapid schema iteration and generate the migrations once you are ready to submit a PR.
  • keystone prisma migrate deploy - Runs the generated migrations - this command can only be run after a build step, and is generally run in the deploy step of your app or before running keystone start.
  • keystone start --with-migrations - Runs the generated migrations then starts Keystone.

Prisma CLI

The primary reason you'll need to use the Prisma CLI in your Keystone project is to work with Prisma Migrate.

As you start working with more sophisticated migration scenarios, you'll probably also need to use the migrate resolve and migrate status commands.

While Keystone abstracts much of the Prisma workflow for you, we strongly recommend you familiarise yourself with the Prisma Migrate CLI commands when you are managing your application in production.